Child of Hope Adventure of Jack London "JACK"
Ausstellungsergebnisse von Jack:
Internationale Rasseausstellung Berlin:
good size, a little long in loins, good topline while standing, front legs east-west, cow hock in the back, enough anulation both ends, well shaped head, very good expression, a little erratic movement
SG (sehr gut)
Europasiegerzuchtschau Dortmund:
just a baby, needs time to develop, pleassing outline, masculine head, long neck, good fore and hindquaters, deep chest, lovely topline, moved chaotic but needs time
V (vorzüglich)
Internationale Rasseaustellung Neumünster:
12 month, tall dog who needs to fill out in the ribs and chest, This will improve his topline. Quality head with good neck, at the moment his movement is lose, He looks like a teenager, Tail-carriage a little high
Zweiter Platz
Rassehundeausstellung Hoisdorf:
14 month, still making, presented in a slightly thin condition, masculin head, well shaped eyes, good neck and back, short croup makes him carry his tail very high, still straight in front, enough angulated at rear, body for his age, moves with a good straide but instabil in his front movements, very good coat quality
IZH Hannover:
17 Monate, gutes Format, Rücken dürfte etwas fester sein, gute Unterlinie, etwas lose Kehlhaut, Kopf typisch, Schere etwas knapp, Augen etwas offen, in der Bewegung nicht ganz frei
Hüfte: A1
Ellbogen: frei/frei
Augen: RD/PRA/HC: Frei/Frei/Frei
Gonio: frei